Monday, March 28, 2022

DOE Funds Lithium-Battery Workforce

Based in Dallas, EagleRidge Energy is an oil and gas exploration company operating more than 2,300 wells across over 330,000 acres of land. As a key player in the energy industry, EagleRidge Energy must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), among other agencies.

The U.S. Department of Energy is a government agency responsible for advancing the environmental, energy, and nuclear security of the United States. It supports and promotes research, development, and deployment of clean energy and efficient technologies. In partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor and the AFL-CIO, DOE announced the launch of a national workforce initiative to bolster the manufacture of lithium batteries.

DOE is investing $5 million to facilitate five pilot training programs to develop national credentials and expertise in battery manufacturing. The initiative is a crucial component of President Biden’s Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization, supporting communities that rely on fossil fuel production. It will also benefit companies that manufacture electric vehicles and consumer electronics.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

A Brief Introduction to SWD

EagleRidge Energy is a Dallas, Texas-based provider of oil and gas exploration services. EagleRidge Energy is involved in various aspects of oil and gas drilling, including salt water disposal.

Over the course of oil and gas extraction processes, water is produced. In fact, between three to five barrels of water are created for every one barrel of oil produced. The composition of this water, referred to as salt water, features a particulate that can damage the pumps responsible for carrying the water into salt water disposal (SWD) wells.

With this in mind, oil and gas operations are strongly encouraged to invest in effective filtration systems. Screen filters provide several advantages over bag filters. Bag filters must be repaired and replaced frequently, a process that requires manual labor and constant work stoppages.

SWD wells are subject to a number of environmental agency regulations, though specific regulations vary by region and well type. That said, all salt water must undergo some form of treatment prior to being injected into a well. Treatment processes have been designed not only to protect the surrounding environment, but also to enhance oil production efficiency and minimize costs.

Shale as a Source of Oil & Gas

EagleRidge Energy is an oil and gas company that operates 2,300 wells on over 330,000 gross acres in the Barnett Shale in Texas. A low-cost...